Pursuing damage claims relating to a semi truck crash

Semi truck drivers and the transportation companies that employ them are held to a higher standard of care and must to adhere to a lot of different rules and regulations. The consequences of a big rig smashing into a compact car are far greater than a compact car crashing into another small vehicle — so these rules and regulations are there for good reason.

At Rush & Gransee LC, we have extensive experience representing car accident victims injured in semi truck crashes. We also represent the family members of people killed in such accidents. Whenever we take on such a case, we immediately look at some important factors to determine what parties may have been liable for the accident.

For example, every semi truck driver must adhere to a schedule of rest and he or she must log the time that was spent driving verses the time that was spent resting. If a driver is overworked and over tired — not only will the driver be in violation of the law — but he or she will be less attentive, sleepy and more likely to get into a crash. By analyzing driving logs, it is possible to determine if an overworked driver may have been the cause of the crash.

Unfortunately, a lot of transportation companies create policies that encourage drivers to spend too long driving without adequate rest. These transportation companies can be held liable for financial damages caused by their sleepy drivers who get into accidents. The semi truck drivers themselves can also be held liable for violating such regulations.

Driving time logs are just one area that must be looked at closely after a semi truck crash. Other important issues include: mechanical service records; whether or not the driver was using a cellphone at the time of the crash; driving rules that apply specifically to big rig operators and more.

Have you or a family member suffered injury or death in a semi truck crash? Rush & Gransee, LC, offers free, no obligation evaluations of semi truck accident cases. We will listen to your story and advise you of your legal rights and options at no up-front cost to you and your family.