Deadly San Antonio Car Accidents Caused by Alcohol

More fatal auto accidents in San Antonio involve drivers with an alcohol level over the legal amount (.08) than drivers who have not been drinking. In San Antonio, Texas 48% of the motor vehicle drivers involved in fatal accidents were over the legal threshold of intoxication while 46% of the drivers had no alcohol in their system

There were 116 fatality auto accidents in San Antonio in 2007. Thirty-two of the accidents (27%) involved collisions with other vehicles, presumably injuring more than just one person. While forty-one accidents (35%) were collisions with fixed objects. Sixteen of the fatal accidents involved rollovers.

From these statistics it is obvious that two changes could dramatically decrease the number of auto accidents causing fatalities. The greatest decrease would come from reducing or eliminating drunk driving. Another decrease in fatalities would be achieved by making cars safer such as by increasing roof strength so that passengers could survive rollovers and by improving the passenger restraint systems in cars. If an intoxicated driver causes injuries, a claim against the liability insurance policy covering that driver; and if no liability insurance exists, a claim should be brought against the uninsured insurance covering the injured party’s vehicle, if uninsured insurance has been purchased on the policy.

If an intoxicated driver causes a wreck with a vehicle in which you or a family member are riding, an investigation should be made into where the intoxicated driver had been consuming alcohol before entering the roadways. If a commercial establishment sold alcohol to a person that was already obviously intoxicated, that bar or restaurant could be liable for the harm caused by the drunk driver.